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Monday, November 23, 2009
Heyhey, Syanazurah here. Yesterday, I and Farhan met Fyryn with her BoyF, Ayid. Hahaha, ituu duaa. Veryvery kasaar towards each other eh! Ok, I read Fyryn's blog taadi. B, dont be sad. No One's perfect, hunns. I thought youur boyf has impressed me enough, taapi. Ohmyglam, he also buaat perkara gini. Lose respect siaa for him. Sorry eh B, but youu know me. I reallyreally dont like. Im sure youu rmb Fidi & Me punyaa case. Kecohh semcm. When I dont like, I really dont. Sorry to Ayid too, hilaang siaa my respect towards youu. Ok, smlm gerek. Taapi no gambaar eh. Sorry eh. Actually there is uh, Farhan took some pictures of me, But, I'll upload once Ive edited it. Cos, the brightness have to be adjusted, Ok. However still, I must agree with Ayid, Selena Gomez is like freaaking hot and famous. Not, Miley Cyrus. ;D Sucha pity smlm Fyryn oddoneout, smuaa fifteen paat sini. Okaay, done here! ;D Takecaaare! PS ; At this time (7.55am), Fyryn masehh snoring! ;D Ok. Bye. Glam,