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Friday, November 27, 2009
![]() Heyhey! ;DD Im like going for chalet from tmr till Monday so I better post. Since Fyryn ponn dahh lamaa taak post kaankaan. Hahaha. Fyryn the other day pergi PRP, Swamp. Tuuh tempaat gerekkaan hunns? (: Yeaa, thats they momento place of me and DiceStar. Anw, I caant wait for tmr's chalet but maybe Im not going. Mummy's like not giving me her permission yet because my fever tak subside. Sad siaa, I reallyreally wanna spend 3days straight with Cousys. Then, Monday I got BBQ with Class. Maybe meeting Nasrul, Afiq, Hafiz before that. Lamaa taak jumpa. Rinduuu much! ;D Anw, Im missing somebody much. Yesyes, Fyryn youu know who. ): Im veryvery sad when youu mention that he probably dahh return Australia. I meaan, he didnt even get the chance to know I felt the same way too. Among all guys, he's the only one who really deserves it. Trust me. Maybe he's a partial reason why Im soo not interested in relationships. Ohyaa, Im going ouut now anw. So, BYE. Goodbyes,
Monday, November 23, 2009
FINAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLY! :D Smalm jpe Naz. Heee! * Skejap je .__. Spent the whole day with Baby. Idk what to post sia. Otak blank. Cos i da post pnjangpnjang pat my blog. Ohhyeaa, Naz. Its okay if you dont respect my boyf anymore (: Everyone makes mistake. Heee! DONE! :D Labels: FYRYNNSTARFLY Heyhey, Syanazurah here. Yesterday, I and Farhan met Fyryn with her BoyF, Ayid. Hahaha, ituu duaa. Veryvery kasaar towards each other eh! Ok, I read Fyryn's blog taadi. B, dont be sad. No One's perfect, hunns. I thought youur boyf has impressed me enough, taapi. Ohmyglam, he also buaat perkara gini. Lose respect siaa for him. Sorry eh B, but youu know me. I reallyreally dont like. Im sure youu rmb Fidi & Me punyaa case. Kecohh semcm. When I dont like, I really dont. Sorry to Ayid too, hilaang siaa my respect towards youu. Ok, smlm gerek. Taapi no gambaar eh. Sorry eh. Actually there is uh, Farhan took some pictures of me, But, I'll upload once Ive edited it. Cos, the brightness have to be adjusted, Ok. However still, I must agree with Ayid, Selena Gomez is like freaaking hot and famous. Not, Miley Cyrus. ;D Sucha pity smlm Fyryn oddoneout, smuaa fifteen paat sini. Okaay, done here! ;D Takecaaare! PS ; At this time (7.55am), Fyryn masehh snoring! ;D Ok. Bye. Glam,
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Going out with Baby later (: Wheeeeeeeeeee! ~ But, Baby blum bng .____. Nazuraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~ Stop praising me la! , Yr the inside/out pretty one. Hahahahaha! (: Today She's going to Masjid. Ennaeem. Idk how to spell. Hopefully btol eh. Labels: FYRYNAZURA
fyryn, iloveyou.
![]() Ok, ini gaambaar, STEP CUTE sahajaa. Tuuh ponn time tgh mendaak, but time tgh attached. Tuuh pasaal mendaak! Cos, tgh attached. Ok, Syanazurah's soo random! ;D Isnt my Tweety Bird nightie ohhsoocute? Hahaha, Im cuter, oh I know. Ok, Fyryn. Hahaha. But, youu must trust me, Im SINGLE! :D Must okaay? Hunns, youu're also gorgeous inside out, sayaang. (: Andand, youur mataeh ahh, mintaak kenaa smack eh smlm. Ehh, AYID, ILYT. FAKE! ;D Hahaha. Hmm, I hurt my shoulder agaain. Must not dance without proper stretching. Yesterdayy slept at 3am. Webcammed ngn Danny. For the photos, in my personal blogg pleaase! ;D Ok, Imna miss Matthew And Aidil when they graduate! Bye! ;D
Friday, November 20, 2009
Its 3 in the morning (: , Hahaha! Still am not asleeep :DD , ny FYRYNN ehh. Hahahaha! , thanks eh Naz fr that. Yeaaa, me &Baby da solve da pon (: We're going on on Sundaaaaaaaaaay! , Thanks fr the advice eh Naz (: , Heeee! Nazuraaaaaaaaaaa, tak abesabes mendak! Holiday pon takm jage diri btolbtol! , stress kan diry aje. Blaja tu blaja la, Have funnnn mesti mau adr eh b! :D Heeeeee! (: * Smiling wide. Thanks fr the wish eh. & Happy Third Week fr being single. * Not random at all [: Nak tawu tak why alot tak caye that you single? , Cos, yr gorgeous on in inside &outside :D Hahahaha! , trust me. Aint lying~ &Yeaaa, i did enjoy myself with Baby today. 'End. Labels: FYRYNAZURA Heyhey, whoever's reaading! ;D Timecheck 0035 in the morningg. Not asleep yet, becauuse Im veryvery lazy to sleep. C'mon, its holidaays. Its one of the only days that we shouuld enjoy till latelate nights. Taapikaan, during schooldays, I still sleep late. (: So? Hahaha! ;D As long as it doesnt affect my concentration in class. Fyryn, I hope youu andd him solve that little conflict eh, hunns. Sbenaarnyaakaan, I tengaah mendaak. Watching tv with brother. Andand, Happy Firstweek to Fyryn daan Ayid. Happy Thirdweek that Im single! Celebrating. Awaiting for firstmonth. Whywhy alot never percayaa Im single? Trust me one bit please. Anw, todaay's a great day for Fyryn, surely. She went out with Ayid to his twinney's place. And there, she had lots of fun, Im as happy as she is. As for me, I rot at home for a whole day. Thanks to being unwell. However, its kindof fun sitting at home, alone. Having all the time and space to youurself. Ilikeit! Hahaha, okaay. Till here. G L A M ,
Hello! , (: Kay random .___. Firstly, ignore the edits in my photo. Heeeeeeeeeeeee! (: , Nerdsters diary ehhhh~ Hahaaaa! , saprsapr yg tatawu. Nerdsters were actually created a year ago (: FYRY[N]AZUR[A]MNI :DDDD Tapi, Amni kua cos of some reason. Me, Nazura &Amni aje tawu kankankan? (: Well! , Basically (: , Me &Nazura's back! Link us up ayeeee :D Labels: FYRYNAZURA
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Fyryn dahh offline, she's not in her best mood. So, I'll start the posting first, NEW BLOG FOR NERDSTERS. Been very longlong since I last met Fyrynkaan, hunny? Tuuhlah, duluu buaat hal samaasamaa, cabut skolaalahh, and alotalot. Perangai terok, mabok angkat obaat batok. Tuuh part gerek. Hahaha! ;D But, the both of us dahh wash hands, both at the right path now. Im also here to say, Fyryn, last longlonglong with Ayid eh, hunny? Syanazurah single, for one simple reason. I naak focus on Olevels. Atleast Fyryn punyaa oneyear away, Nlevels I meaan. I taakut I cannot make it. Seriously, I wanna be a Fashion Designer. Big dreams for a little lady, I know. But, everyone can dream right? Except this one, Imna make it real! ;D Okaay, Im done here. G L A M ; ♥ Syanazurah, FASHIONISTA. |